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【Instant Golden Oats BUY 3 FREE 1】[Package A]

RM56.70 - RM116.70

Quantity: In Stock

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Purchase 3 boxes of 【Instant Golden Oats】 and get another 1 for FREE!🆓
凡购买3盒【即食黄金燕麦】即可免费再获得一盒! 🆓

🌾 Golden Oats 黄金燕麦 🌾
✅ Finland Imported Grade A Natural Oats 芬兰进口A级天然燕麦
✅ Rich in Dietary Fiber 丰富膳食纤维
✅ High β-Glucan 高燕麦β-葡聚糖
✅ Prevent Constipation 预防便秘
✅ Lowering Cholesterol 降低胆固醇
✅ Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Disease 降低心血管疾病

⏳ Limited-time promotion, grab it now! 限时限量优惠,马上抢购吧!

*T&C Apply. 须符合条规。

 Inquiry - 【Instant Golden Oats BUY 3 FREE 1】[Package A]